Wikipedia defines a lockbox or a “real-estate lockbox” as a padlock-shaped box that hangs around the doorknob of a house that is on the market. The device holds the keys to a house to allow communal access for all real estate agents, while continuing to keep them secure. Permission is generally required from the seller, who is the owner, to install such a device on the door.
A lockbox device has inherited the “real-estate” adjective because it is commonly used by realtors. While it may be easily available, and seem like a simple solution, you should avoid using them if you live in an apartment building.
A lockbox is hard to find
It is often hard to locate a lockbox when there are swarms of lockboxes tied to fences, benches, and other seemingly desirable lockbox sites. This is because there are only a handful of companies that make lockboxes, and since they mass produce these devices, they all look more or less the same. Moreover, while you’re familiar with your building and its surrounding, your guests and visitors will have a hard time trying to figure out where to find the lockbox. So its best to just not use them, and consider other alternatives.
A lockbox are not secure
It may seem like a lockboxes is made with heavy duty materials because they usually seem quiet heavy, but they usually are not that secure. Those that know how to break into a lockbox, can easily pry it open with a screw driver. In fact, there are ample Youtube videos that show people how to pry open a lockbox.
Sometimes it rains
If you’re reading this blog, then you probably have been on this planet for a while. And if that is the case, I am sure you’ve experienced rain. Over time, and usually unexpectedly, rain causes lockbox mechanics to rust. Rust causes the lockbox to stop working randomly. That’s not good when you’re expecting a 5* review on your airbnb checkin rating, or when you’re expecting your friend to come feed the cat. Stop using lockboxes.
Sometimes its cold
We know it rains sometimes, but sometimes, depending on where you live, its a little cold. Specially if you live in Canada, some parts of Europe or USA – it gets pretty cold. So when its cold, the plastic flap on the lockbox which is used to enter the code freezes, and prevents people from being able to enter the code to get the keys. There are smart lockboxes now that are battery operated, but even they fail in the cold. Batteries tend to die faster when exposed to colder temperatures. So the smart lockboxes, while innovative, often cecum to the elements. Stop using lockboxes.